65 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Massive Supernova Progenitors

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    Generally accepted scheme distinguishes two main classes of supernovae (SNe): Ia resulting from the old stellar population (deflagration of a white dwarf in close binary systems), and SNe of type II and Ib/c whose ancestors are young massive stars (died in a core-collapse explosion). Concerning the latter, there are suggestions that the SNe II are connected to early B stars, and SNe Ib/c to isolated O or Wolf-Rayet (W-R) stars. However, little or no effort was made to further separate SNe Ib from Ic. We have used assumed SN rates for different SN types in spiral galaxies in an attempt to perform this task. If isolated progenitor hypothesis is correct, our analysis indicates that SNe Ib result from stars of main-sequence mass 23MM30M23 \mathcal{M}_{\odot} \lesssim \mathcal{M} \lesssim 30 \mathcal{M}_{\odot}, while the progenitors of SNe Ic are more massive stars with M30M\mathcal{M} \gtrsim 30 \mathcal{M}_{\odot}. Alternatively, if the majority of SNe Ib/c appear in close binary systems (CBs) then they would result from the same progenitor population as most of the SNe II, i.e. early B stars with initial masses of order M10M\mathcal{M} \sim 10 \mathcal{M}_{\odot}. Future observations of SNe at high-redshift (zz) and their rate will provide us with unique information on SN progenitors and star-formation history of galaxies. At higher-zz (deeper in the cosmic past) we expect to see the lack of type Ia events, i.e. the dominance of core-collapse SNe. Better understanding of the stripped-envelope SNe (Ib/c), and their potential use as distance indicators at high-zz, would therefore be of great practical importance.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in IJMP

    The orthogonal fitting procedure for determination of the empirical {\Sigma} - D relations for supernova remnants: application to starburst galaxy M82

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    The radio surface brightness-to-diameter ({\Sigma} - D) relation for supernova remnants (SNRs) in the starburst galaxy M82 is analyzed in a statistically more robust manner than in the previous studies that mainly discussed sample quality and related selection effects. The statistics of data fits in log {\Sigma} - log D plane are analyzed by using vertical (standard) and orthogonal regressions. As the parameter values of D - {\Sigma} and {\Sigma} - D fits are invariant within the estimated uncertainties for orthogonal regressions, slopes of the empirical {\Sigma} - D relations should be determined by using the orthogonal regression fitting procedure. Thus obtained {\Sigma} - D relations for samples which are not under severe influence of the selection effects could be used for estimating SNR distances. Using the orthogonal regression fitting procedure {\Sigma} - D slope {\beta} \approx 3.9 is obtained for the sample of 31 SNRs in M82. The results of implemented Monte Carlo simulations show that the sensitivity selection effect does not significantly influence the slope of M82 relation. This relation could be used for estimation of distances to SNRs that evolve in denser interstellar environment, with number denisty up to 1000 particles per cm3 .Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, no changes, previous version had a typo in publication related comment, accepted for publication in Ap

    Optical Observations of M81 Galaxy Group in Narrow Band [SII] and H_alpha Filters: Holmberg IX

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    We present observations of the nearby tidal dwarf galaxy Holmberg IX in M81 galaxy group in narrow band [SII] and Hα\alpha filters, carried out in March and November 2008 with the 2m RCC telescope at NAO Rozhen, Bulgaria. Our search for resident supernova remnants (identified as sources with enhanced [SII] emission relative to their Hα\alpha emission) in this galaxy yielded no sources of this kind, besides M&H 10-11 or HoIX X-1. Nevertheless, we found a number of objects with significant Hα\alpha emission that probably represent uncatalogued HII regions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Observatons of NGC 3077 Galaxy in Narrow Band [SII] and H_alpha Filters

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    We present observations of the HI tidal arm near dwarf galaxy NGC 3077 (member of the M81 galaxy group) in narrow band [SII] and H_alpha filters. Observations were carried out in March 2011 with the 2m RCC telescope at NAO Rozhen, Bulgaria. Our search for possible supernova remnant candidates (identified as sources with enhanced [SII] emission relative to their H_alpha emission) in this region yielded no sources of this kind. Nevertheless, we found a number of objects with significant H_alpha emission that probably represent uncatalogued, low brightness HII regions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, Proceedings of the 8th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics, 2011 June 5-10, Divcibare, Serbi

    Revealing the nature of central emission nebulae in the dwarf galaxy NGC 185

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    In this paper we present new optical observations of the galaxy NGC 185 intended to reveal the status of supernova remnants (SNRs) in this dwarf companion of the Andromeda galaxy. Previously, it was reported that this galaxy hosts one SNR. Our deep photometric study with the 2m telescope at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory using narrow-band Hα\alpha and [SII] filters revealed complex structure of the interstellar medium in the center of the galaxy. To confirm the classification and to study the kinematics of the detected nebulae, we carried out spectroscopic observations using the SCORPIO multi-mode spectrograph at the 6m telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science, both in low- and high-resolution modes. We also searched the archival X-ray and radio data for counterparts of the candidate SNRs identified by our optical observations. Our observations imply the presence of one more SNR, one possible HII region previously cataloged as part of an SNR, and the presence of an additional source of shock ionization in one low-brightness PN. We detected enhanced [SII]/H_alpha and [NII]/H_alpha line ratios, as well as relatively high (up to 90 km s1^{-1}) expansion velocities of the two observed nebulae, motivating their classification as SNRs (with diameters of 45 pc and 50 pc), confirmed by both photometric and spectral observations. The estimated electron density of emission nebulae is 30 - 200 cm3^{-3}. Archival XMM-Newton observations indicate the presence of an extended, low-brightness, soft source in projection of one of the optical SNRs, whereas the archival VLA radio image shows weak, unresolved emission in the center of NGC 185.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Marginally low mass ratio close binary system V1191 Cyg

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    In this study, we present photometric and spectroscopic variations of the extremely small mass ratio (q0.1q\simeq 0.1) late-type contact binary system \astrobj{V1191 Cyg}. The parameters for the hot and cooler companions have been determined as MhM_\textrm{h} = 0.13 (1) MM_{\odot}, McM_\textrm{c} = 1.29 (8) MM_{\odot}, RhR_\textrm{h} = 0.52 (15) RR_{\odot}, RcR_\textrm{c} = 1.31 (18) RR_{\odot}, LhL_\textrm{h} = 0.46 (25) LL_{\odot}, LcL_\textrm{c} = 2.71 (80) LL_{\odot}, the separation of the components is aa= 2.20(8) RR_{\odot} and the distance of the system is estimated as 278(31) pc. Analyses of the times of minima indicates a period increase of dPdt=1.3(1)×106\frac{dP}{dt}=1.3(1)\times 10^{-6} days/yr that reveals a very high mass transfer rate of dMdt=2.0(4)×107\frac{dM}{dt}=2.0(4)\times 10^{-7}MM_{\odot}/yr from the less massive component to the more massive one. New observations show that the depths of the minima of the light curve have been interchanged.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy, 16 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Possibility of achieving an acceptable response rate of gas-filled surge arresters by substitution of alpha radiation sources by selection of electrode material and the electrode surface topography

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    The possibility of substituting the usage of a radioactive a-source to improve the characteristics of the gas surge arrester is considered in this paper. The solution to this problem is sought in the engineering of the characteristics by applying different electrode materials and varying electrode surface topography. Materials that differ in the output work value were examined. The electrode surface topographies were either polished, or with engraved regular spikes, or with polished cavities. The paper is mostly experimental in nature. The experiments were performed under well-controlled laboratory conditions. The measurement uncertainty of the experimental procedure was satisfactory. Experimental results were processed by sophisticated statistical methods of low statistical unreliability. The obtained results show that it is possible to avoid the installation of a radioactive source in the gas surge arresters and how it should be done. In this way, a possible contamination of the natural environment with extremely dangerous alpha - radioactive sources would be avoided